Ami Bera tweeted the following:
"The U.S. added 517,000 jobs in January and unemployment is at 3.4%, the lowest since 1969.Never bet against America."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ami Bera:
"Extreme politicians are seeking to criminalize and punish Americans traveling out of state for their reproductive health care.Im supporting the Ensuring Womens Right to Reproductive Freedom Act to make sure this doesn't happen." on Feb. 2Read on Twitter
"This welcome development underscores enduring US commitment to the Solomon Islands and the broader South Pacific.I will continue to support expanded US diplomatic, developmental, and economic presence in the Pacific Islands to strengthen our ties with the region and its people." on Feb. 2Read on Twitter
"Im honored to be appointed by @RepJeffries to serve on the House Intelligence Committee.At a time of increased threats, both at home and abroad, I take seriously this new role and the responsibility entrusted to me to help keep American families" on Feb. 1Read on Twitter