Ami Bera tweeted the following:
"Its shameful that Senate Republicans continue to play politics with our veterans' health care.We have a solemn obligation to provide our veterans with the best care possible - they deserve nothing less than our unwavering support."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Ami Bera:
"I'm introducing bipartisan legislation to strengthen U.S. expertise on China.If we are to outcompete China and win the geostrategic competition of the 21st century, we need a much better understanding of the countrys language, history, and"Read on Twitter
"Its critical that more of our products are made in America by American workers. The #CHIPSandScienceAct will catalyze manufacturing and research across the U.S., including in #SacramentoCounty which is the proud home to several world-leading semiconductor companies."Read on Twitter
"On #NationalInternDay, I would like to give a special thank you to the spring and summer interns in my office who have worked tirelessly serving the people of #SacramentoCounty." on July 28Read on Twitter